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Buttock Augmentation

Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation is a procedure which has risen dramatically in recent years and just as many choose to have surgery on their stomachs, breasts, etc. after a pregnancy or after a major weight loss, more and more people are asking for a brazilian buttock augmentation or lift. Although the procedure has become just as common for men as it is for women. The buttock augmentation is suitable for people with an absence of the projection and volume of the gluteal region. With the trend towards fitness and muscle development, women are looking for a pert more voluminous buttock either surgically or through exercise. Deformities can be congenital or acquired, occurring from childhood or appearing in adult life. Alterations in volume and projection are generally due to muscular hypertrophy and lack of fat in the upper gluteal region. With time the excess fat in the hip area, tummy and thighs together with the force of gravity and the limitations of flaccid skin means a concentration of fat develops in the lower third of the buttock, giving the appearance of heavy, flattened buttocks.

Incisions and technique

The goal is to increase the projection of the gluteal region through the association of liposuction and fat grafting. There are two main body types gynoid, with a concentration of fat below the waistline and android, which concentrates fat above of the waistline. Both types can benefit from this type of surgery. The gynoid type in general needs liposuction of the hips, thighs, legs, tummy and fat injection in the buttocks. The android type needing liposuction of the arms, axilla, back, hips, tummy and breasts with fat injection of the buttocks and often the inner thighs as well. Usually there is three to six small incisions in the hip area and gluteal folds. The great advantage of the liposculpture technique in these cases is the combination of aspiration the excess fat with the injection of this aspirated fat in the depressed areas. In most cases there is an accumulation of fat in the hip area, culottes and inner thighs and the removal alone of this excess fat with liposuction will bring improvement to the contour. This excess fat can be used as a graft to increase the volume of the gluteal region. Fat is injected subcutaneously or into the muscle depending on the area and the specific problem to be corrected. Operating time is normally between one to three hours and with local anesthesia with sedation, tumescent anesthesia made the procedure safer. The surgery is usually on an outpatient basis but extensive surgery may require short inpatient stay.  

Recovery period

Postoperatively we prescribe the use of an elastic girdle which helps maintain the new form and keep down the swelling. Lymphatic drainage, the light massage, is also encouraged, and prevents some swelling in the liposuction areas avoiding the fat injection site. It can be started 24 hours post operatively. Walking is essential from day two, increasing the distance covered each day. From the third week low frequency ultrasound and endermologie will help in the correction of any hardened areas that might develop. These postoperative procedures are done by a trained esthetician or physiotherapist and always under the supervision of the surgeon. Strenuous exercise, running and weight lifting are allowed after 30 days. Walking a mile: two days. Temporary mild pain, especially in the first 48 hours can be treated with analgesics. Swelling, soreness, numbness, bruising usually last a few weeks. Dressings are applied on the small incisions. There will be a leak of the anesthetic fluid through the incisions in the first 24 hours. Dressings will be changed daily. Shower is allowed after 24 hours. You may have to wear a girdle for a few weeks. Stitches will be removed between the 5th and 7th day. It is possible to be back to work after two to three weeks. Exercise and sunbathing after four to six weeks or more. Fading and flattening of the little scars: 3 months to 2 years.


It is not common with significant complications from buttock augmentation. Potential complications are asymmetry, rippling, and pigmentation of the skin, bleeding, infection and problems with anesthesia. Temporary numbness of the skin and hematomas (blood accumulations) are possible mild complications. Irregularities of the skin can happen in some patients, but can be treated if necessary. More serious complications involve loss of fluid or blood that can provoke shock, although this is now very rare with the tumescent anesthesia. Infection is very rare. Few patients have found the fat injection technique a disappointment, either because their re-absorption rate was high (estimated at 50-60%) or because they didn’t have enough fat for the increase in size they were looking for. We can inject up to 500ml of fat in each buttock, depending on the case, injecting subcutaneously, and into the existing fat as necessary.


Buttock augmentation improves body contour and increases the patients self-confidence. The results may take a few months to show because there is the possibility of fluid retention following surgery with prolonged swelling. Sometimes the fat injection procedure has to be repeated because there is a limit to the amount of fat that can be injected in one stage. Occasionally, a secondary procedure, or “touchup” may be indicated to improve certain areas, most times under local anesthesia. A special massage, called manual lymphatic drainage helps with the swelling and bruising in the postoperative period, increasing comfort. Gluteoplasty includes several different procedures, from silicone implants to increase the volume, to resection of the skin at the waist line to lift the gluteal region and improve the gluteal fold. These are invasive techniques and as such involve scars with the associated higher risk and complications.

Duration of the results

After month six there shouldn’t be any more reabsorption and the result remains stable. If the weight remains the same results should be permanent, especially when combined with diet and exercise.