MON-SAT 10.00 – 15.00 - SUN CLOSED

Small Procedures for the Face

Small procedures for the face

When rejuvenating our face and body, we’re not only improving our appearances but also improving the state of mind. “It is much better to look and feel young and have no wrinkles, than carry the burden of an old face all your life” said a patient. There are different type of small procedures for the face to make improvements with a big impact. Normally it’s suitable for men and women above the age of 35 years. The objective in hand is to improve the deep furrow that goes from the nose to the corner of the mouth, the cheeks, the jawline, the double chin and to give volume to the cheekbones and to the lips. These changes doesn’t need to be drastic to achieve a more youthful appearance and elevate the spirit and the “tired” face.

Incisions and technique

When performing small procedures to the face, there are normally np incisions. The techniques which are used are usually with very thin needles. When improving the contouring of the neck there’s use of liposuction or syringe liposculpture.  For contouring the jawline, malar and glabela regions(between the eyebrows), the lips and the eyelids the thinnest cannulas are used. When liposuction isn’t necessary and we only want to augment, instead of fat we will use fillers, that can be temporary or lasting, according to the preferences of the patient. When it is necessary to provoke an elevation of the structures we can use self-sustaining threads, also called Russian threads. To improve the quality of the skin we use a series of chemical “peelings”, that vary in intensity according to the type of skin. This combination can postpone the first facelift, or complement the result of our older patients. Refreshment techniques, however do not give the same result as a facelift. It is a gentler way to improve facial contour and a complement to other techniques. Normally these procedures doesn’t take longer than 30 to 40 minutes, and is performed with local anesthesia and without sedation as an outpatient.

Side effects

Temporary ecchymosis, swelling and skin flaking.


It’s completely possible to be back to work within two to five days. It is recommended to avoid the sun for at least thirty days. More stressful physical activities should be avoided two to three weeks.


Complications are not frequent. Hematoma (accumulation of blood under the skin), infection.

Duration of the results

Depends on the procedure and the patients age